Thursday, October 26, 2006


Girl next door had 2 viewings last night. I dont know who the first one was but I seen a bright pink brolly on the floor of the close outside her door so will assume its a woman or a very camp man. The second viewing was a couple, a 'large' woman and a bald man. Slightly worried about the structure of the building if a 'larger' person moves in.

Louise is doing ok so far in London with the guy she dumped 2 weeks ago. I was expecting much physical violence by now.

And Kerry, who resides permanently in the currently still residing in the Highlands.

Leanne is going to Newcastle next week to visit someone who had a baby.

I am just happy its Thursday. I'm wondering why when I get into work do I feel as tho I have a heavy load sitting on my shoulders? If there is a small invisible person sitting up there, could you please get down? Its not at all comfortable for me.

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