Saturday, November 25, 2006

Just had to open door to what looked like a 14 year old postman whilst wearing my pyjamas.

I think I've scarred him for life.

Christmas present buying has come to a standstill. I bought some stuff for my mum when she was there yesterday so there wont be any surprises for her. I might sell it back to my dad so that he wont need to go shopping for her and it will be more of a surprise when she doesnt get them from me....if you know what I mean. Also got a few other bits & bobs. I keep buying things for people then changing my mind and deciding to give them to someone else, and in quite a few cases I'm keeping the stuff for myself! Yesterday I bought my uncle a Yankee candle, there's no way I'm giving him it, I'm keeping it hahahaa. I'm rubbish!

Genivieve and I are now definitely going to the night out on the 8th December, its my birthday weekend so that can just be my birthday night out. 100% not interested in my birthday, I'm very interested in the cake though! I'm still not sure what I'm doing about the other night out. He wants an answer for Monday but if he's going to rush me then the answer's going to be 'no'.

i'm off to wrap more Christmas presents and not think about bloody nights out.

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