Thursday, July 27, 2006

Get On With It!

If I got my head down and did some work I could probably have tomorrow off. And next week if I was feeling brave enough to ask. But for some reason I am finding it completely impossible to do anything. I swear I havent finished a single thing since yesterday.

I'm so fecked off right now, I just want to scream at everyone to feck off and leave me alone.

Am now hatching a plan to go up to Aucterarder this weekend to get out of the stupid engagement party. God why do people hold these horrible self indulgent events. Dont they realise that they just cost other people time, hassle and money!!! This is the most selfish thing but since I know I will NEVER be getting married or engaged I really begrudge having to waste my time attending these things when I know I wont be expecting the same back. Especially for strangers!! Obviously if it was a good friend or close relative that's a different story, you can have a real ball and enjoy yourself but this friend of a friend, and so-and-so from work, blah blah blah, forget it.

My work email is broken so you'd think that would gee me on a bit to get some work done...but nope. And now I think I've broken Hotmail....but I'm still doing anything but work. Feckin cowbag Alison has just landed me with something too.

Oh to win the lottery and get away from all this shit.

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